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  派特森英语培训 深圳派特森国际教诲个人总部位于加拿大温哥华,从建立至今一直努力于中国与国际之间的教诲交换与合作,教诲产品研发,教诲项目标投资办理。经太短短几年的迅猛生长,已前后 在加拿大温哥华和中国各多数会建立30余所分校,各所分校均定位于地点都会的黄金写字楼,外部设施初级豪华,高雅温馨,其稠密的西欧文明气味沁透在中间的每个角落。VIP电子 专属课堂、沙龙课本性化课堂、多媒体- ROOM课堂、ED线上英语自习室等学习氛围浓烈,收费适口可乐饮料机、初级西点、安康生果24小时不间断供应,使学员在最为优良的环境 中享用学习,在严峻的英语冲刺中尽显怡然得意。2004年个人将流行环球50多个国度并被比尔盖茨誉为“典范之作”的天下顶尖英语教诲体系“ENGLISH DISCOVERIES”停止了全面详确的研讨,胜利研发了一套完整合适中国国情 的、具有国际水准的英语教诲体系——“天然母语学习体系”。这一教诲体系的推出顿时掀起了新型英语的学习风暴,以口碑相传的体例一次次归结着雅思、新托福等测验的高分 传奇,用最为合用、高效的学术水准处理数以万计学子英语学习无从动手的困扰,从而找到最合适本身的学习体例,获得丰富的学习结果,顺利收支天下名校之门! 深圳派特森英语颠覆传统的冲破性讲授形式与“权势巨子、高效、合用”的英语讲授理念相畅通领悟,一直倡导遵守说话学习的神经道理,从“听、说”动手,同步跟进“读”、“写”才气才气纵横。 全方位平面化英语浸浴式学习,电影视界、外教口语秀、户外体验等多种情势的本性化多味讲堂,共同窗员的小我专属学习打算;同时堆积美国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大执教经 验丰富的专业外籍西席、海内知论理学府—北大、北外优良中教教员、国际知论理学府学成返来的海归精英带您体味英语新呼吸!Pattison Education GroupThe headquarters of Pattison Education Group is located in Vancouver, Canada, and over 30 branch companies have been set up throughout many big cities in China in the short-term period. The Group specializes in the research and development of educational products, investment of education project, exchange and cooperation of culture and education, and so on. All centres are spotted in the five-star golden office building in each city. The top-end establishments display a strong air of western culture spreading every corner. Due to exclusive VIP Studio, individualized Salon Room, Multi-Media - Room, English Discoveries Online Study Lounge, students are able to enjoy learning in elegant environment.In 2004, Pattison Education Group contributed to the “English Discoveries” roundly and meticulously which is highly praised as the “Classical Work”---the top English education system by Bill Gates and is fashionable in more than 50 countries, and extends an international level English education system that is exactly suitable for the situation of China---“Natural Native Learning System”. The push of this education system, which contribute to display “High Score Legend” of IELTS and New TOEFL continually, sets off the storm of new English learning method. Due to the most practical and efficient academic standard, thousands of students who haven’t known the ropes of learning English can find the most suitable method, achieve the abundant accomplishment and smoothly step into world-famous universities!Pattison English subverts the traditional teaching model; integrates with English teaching concept of “ Authoritative, Efficient, Practical”; advocates to abide by Language Learning’s Neural Principles; accesses to “Listening & Speaking” and follows up the students’ capability of “ Reading & Writing”. All-round, three-dimensional and immersed English Learning environment; original soundtrack field of vision; foreign teachers’ oral English show; outdoor experiential learning and all kinds of individualized class; members’ exclusive study plan; professional foreign teachers with vast teaching experience coming from America, UK, Canada; Chinese teachers from domestic well-known universities, Beijing University, Beijing Foreign Languages Studies Institute; successful overseas returning elites, all these aspects together serve you to enjoy learning English!合作火伴,中国校园网,http://www.cnxyw.org 



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